List of jQuery events and instruction
(1) Element Selector
Element is specified in the 'string'!
However, the following two are the exception.
- $(document)
- $(this)
match the id
match the class
match the HTML tag
$("span") ← Select all <span>
Specify more than one element
$("#link1,#link2") ← Can be selected any number of
Specific element within the element
$("ul a") ← "a element" in "ul element"
(2-1) Changing and Retrieving Elements
Instructions to the specified element.
Obtain information from the specified element.
Changing and Retrieving Attributes
<img id="hoge" src="img/pencil.jpg" alt="PENCIL" />
- change the src attribute
- get the src attribute
var filename = $("#hoge").attr("src");
Changing and Retrieving Attribute Value
<input id="hoge" name="names" _value="MYNAME" />
- Change the attribute value
$("#hoge").val("NEW VALUE");
- Get the attribute value
var data = $("#hoge").val();
Changing and Retrieving CSS Style
<div id="hoge">World there is nothing after the dream of infinite</div>
- Change the CSS
- Get The CSS
var col = $("#hoge").css("color");
Changing and Retrieving HTML
<div id="hoge"> abc
- Change the HTML
$("#hoge").html("<p>Content<b>・</b>Content<br />");
- Get the HTML
var kashi = $("#hoge").html();
Changing and Retrieving TEXT
<div id="hoge">aiueo</div>
- Change the TEXT
$("#hoge").text("good morning");
- Get the TEXT
var kashi = $("#hoge").text();
(2-2) Show and hide elements (Effect)
Show the element
$("#hoge").show(1500); // Display over 1.5 seconds
Hide the element
$("#hoge").hide(1500); // Hide over 1.5 seconds
Slide the display element
Slide the Hidden element
Fade in the element
Fade out the element
Change transparency
Change to transparency of 33%
(3) Event set
If you run all of the elements loaded in the browser
/* CODE */
Events is set in the "$(document).ready(FUNCTION);" event.
Omitted that you can write "$(FUNCTION);"
/* CODE */
/* CODE */
Double Click
/* CODE */
Mouse Move
/* CODE */
Mouse Over
/* CODE */
Mouse Down
/* CODE */
Mouse Up
/* CODE */
Processing alternately each time it is clicked
/* CODE1 */
}, function(){
/* CODE2 */
When the choice has been changed in "select".
When the contents that are input into a form has been changed.
/* CODE */
Selected text of the form
/* CODE */
Click a submit button
/* CODE */
HTML template of jQuery
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="ja" lang="ja">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
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