▶ 技術めも
Apple Script
set nowTime to my getCurrentDateString()
tell application "Finder"
make new folder at desktop with properties {name:nowTime}
end tell
delay 2
repeat with p from 1 to 5000
set pstr to p
set pstr to text -3 thru -1 of ("00" & pstr)
tell application "Kindle"
tell application "System Events"
do shell script "screencapture ~/Desktop/" & nowTime & "/" & pstr & ".png"
key code 123
delay 1
end tell
end tell
end repeat
-- return string (ex. '20171001124239')
to getCurrentDateString()
set current_date to current date
set val_year to year of current_date
set val_month to month of current_date as number
set val_day to day of current_date
set val_hours to hours of current_date
set val_minutes to minutes of current_date
set val_seconds to seconds of current_date
set date_time_string to ""
if val_month < 10 then
set val_month to "0" & val_month as string
end if
if val_day < 10 then
set val_day to "0" & val_day as string
end if
if val_hours < 10 then
set val_hours to "0" & val_hours as string
end if
if val_minutes < 10 then
set val_minutes to "0" & val_minutes as string
end if
if val_seconds < 10 then
set val_seconds to "0" & val_seconds as string
end if
set date_time_string to val_year & val_month & val_day & val_hours & val_minutes & val_seconds as string
return date_time_string
end getCurrentDateString